The Egyptian Spring and Feminism: The Rhetoric of Asmaa Mahfouz
I will present a brief history of feminism in Egypt that will help to contextualize the rhetoric of the most revolutionary Facebook video to ever be posted. On January 18th, 2011 Asmaa Mahfouz recorded a video that would become the catalyst for a revolution that would end the decades long rule of Hosni Mubarak. I will briefly summarize my close textual analysis of Mahfouz's rhetoric in order to present my conclusions about the role feminism has played in creating a platform for young revolutionary women in Egypt. Their participation in revolutions, within societies that perpetuate some of the most grotesque acts of violence towards women, has been largely under reported in Western media. This presentation will contribute to the small but ever growing body of scholarship and recognition of non-Western women who exert global reach.
Robb Lauzon commented
Merci France!!! :) xx
France Clement commented
Un sujet qui me tiens à coeur!Go Rob!!
Robb Lauzon commented
Thanks Jacob! Appreciate the feedback! I did consider spicing up my research specifically for ignite. I think feminism will be interesting enough without using action words in my "abstract"(if that is what this is called?) LOL. Those who know me, know I will leave something on the floor for the audience to think about.
Jacob Corvidae commented
This sounds like a great topic - but I think you'd get more votes if the description (and hopefully the talk) wasn't so academic and dry. I voted for it, but if it doesn't make it, maybe another shot with more pizazz...